57. Dead Foxes (28 February 2023)
Commemorating 35 years since Azerbaijan began targeting Armenians for extermination. (26 Feb. 2023 - Beirut)
Earlier this
month, while driving along the coastal highway, I slowed down behind a line of
cars and trucks exiting and noticed an animal lying alongside the roadway,
obviously dead. From a distance I could tell it was too large to be a cat, too
small to be a dog, and my guess was confirmed as I slowly crept alongside… a
red fox. I was happy and sad at the same time; happy that there is still
wildlife in this overbuilt metro area, and sad that it met this fate. I realize
that those in rural places might not share my dismay, considering the losses
they may incur because of foxes. Here this death is sadly poignant. While actual
foxes become road kill, human foxes are left alive. And the “fox hunters” trying
to pursue this latter kind are systematically eliminated, and the foxes pretending
to be humans continue their sadistic rule over the henhouse.
Empty since the port blast, Lebanon's electric company building - gutted, just like the service it provides (20 Feb. 2023 - Mar Mikhael-Beirut)
One of the more insidious of that
species is now facing a “natural disaster” of his own making. Over the years he
granted waivers for poorly constructed housing in exchange for ballot-box
loyalty, so that he could establish full political control. That
narcissism transformed the tragedy of this region’s February 6 earthquake into
an unmitigated disaster. Will he be held accountable for the crimes he is now
heaping upon the corrupt lower-level operatives? Not if the spin doctors around
him can do their psyops job well, and transform this fox’s image into, let’s
say, that of a pussy-cat. A devout, embattled fighter for the rights of the
ordinary citizen. A strong leader his country needs to rebuild it and make it
proud. Any of a raft of addictive lies that people in so many lands believe,
sad to say.
The value of $300 in local currency, in 2019 (right) and 2023 (27 Feb. 2023 - Beirut)
Meanwhile, others try to dodge the
traffic that would run them over and put an end to their positive impact.
Though contributing to the betterment of society, and though they are not the
ones able to cause a fundamental, systemic change in the status quo, yet their
activity is nonetheless significant in the long term. Unlike the wealthy foxes
who continue to find ways to launder their money or sink it into building more
empty buildings in the capital, they are a different sort of investor. They sink
their time and effort into human capital; into teaching students to think, into
inculcating character and faith into young people, into creating cultural
riches to feed the souls of generations yet unborn. The anniversaries of the region’s
Armenian institutions (churches, schools and so forth) are reminders of the
deep investment our forebears made to rebuild and sustain a broken nation after
the Genocide, making the Middle East’s Armenian communities the powerhouse of
the Diaspora. And it continues to serve in that capacity, feeding and nurturing
Armenian identity but with a frighteningly small number of visionary laborers
engaged in this crucial work.  |
As spring approaches, tree branches and neighborhood generators begin to sprout offshoots (27 Feb. 2023 - Bourj Hammoud)
Who are they? First of all, they are
teachers of all subjects and in all manners. Especially focusing on language,
history and culture, they might be using state-of-the-art methods and
materials, or they might be solidly stuck in the 19th century in
their approach, but at least they are making an effort. Others who develop new,
relevant materials for various grade and knowledge levels are also part of that
army, along with those who digitize existing materials (a special shout-out to
the Armenian National Library in this regard). Then there is anyone making a
difference in just one child’s or adult’s awareness or self-awareness of his
(or her) identity as an Armenian. I would also include “influencers”, who know
how to make effective use of information media and place it or disseminate it
in easy-to-find locations. Really, in our world so full of foxes, all Armenians
should be engaged in this effort on the micro or macro scale, and spend less
time self-absorbed in things that do not satisfy (see Isaiah 55.1-2) or edify,
such as self-promotion on social media platforms.
A reminder to continue being visionary, despite it all (28 Feb. 2023 - Gemmayzeh-Beirut)
I’ve noticed that Armenians (myself
included) tend to put things in life-or-death terms; maybe it is because
Armenians, like nearly all minorities, face life-or-death realities much more
frequently than majority populations. Majority populations and those intent on
a homogenized, globalized mono-culture, tend to object to this existential
angst, seeing it as unnecessary (which it isn’t) or disruptive (which it must
be). The angst felt among Armenians here in the Middle East is because they are
battered and dishonored, treated as collateral damage by the major foxes and
their sub-foxes who play at political and financial war. As it was a century ago,
so it is today. Enabled by a disengaged international community, foxes circle around
Armenia and Artsakh, drooling over the thought of ruling over an emptied
henhouse, expertly using propaganda, lies, threats and a sham “protest” to lay
hold of the remainder of the Armenian homeland devoid of Armenians.
LebCat 57: Hard at work receiving phone bill payments. This may explain a few things about the system. (28 Feb. 2023 - Geitawi-Beirut)
When the Lord Jesus faced off
against the oppression his people were bearing, he dared call the ruler of that
day a “fox” (Lk. 13.32). It was a calculated, public insult, and a challenge to
his duplicitous authority. Despite the deadly actions of all manners of foxes,
God will accomplish his purposes, he will bring hope and healing to the
downtrodden, and will revitalize life within all who trust in his Son. [LNB]